Day 24 of 365 – “The Pour”

So you know all those photos in magazines selling wine or brandy? So elegant the way the smooth liquid runs down the page and perfectly circles the glass. It makes me thirsty just thinking of it. I decided to try to recreate that today. Thirst quenched.

I gathered my supplies (white craft paper, work shop lights, ironing board, make shift glass holder, zap straps and duct tape) and locked myself in my photography studio (laundry room) and went to work. IT’S HARD!

apparently rolls of white craft paper doesn’t quite substitute for a photography screen. and clearly big industrial work lamps don’t take the place of proper lighting.

and no, red food colouring doesn’t accurately represent a bold merlot.

and I clearly need to learn how to pour.


June 24  (1 of 1)

2 responses to “Day 24 of 365 – “The Pour”

  1. 1st post to make me laugh out loud! Ali this is
    So classic you! Love it!! My fave so far. Captures who you are so perfectly!

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